Three Wines To Order For Those With Don't "Get" Alcohol
Alcohol can be an acquired taste for some. While many individuals may immediately take to the taste of beer, wine, and spirits, for others, there needs to be a period of acclimation. If you are not sure about the taste of alcohol, or if you are put off by many of the beverages that you have tasted, don't fret. You can still find some grown up drinks that you enjoy so that you are not left out at wine bars or dinners that feature wine. Here are three wines to try in order to have a nice drink and get acclimated to wine.
Try a Moscato wine
If you are not a fan of wine, but you are a fan of fruit juices, Moscato wine is a good in between. Moscato wines, whether red or white, tend to be sweeter than most other wines. This is a good starter wine for those who dislike the bitter taste of alcohol inside of their wine. Order a small glass of Moscato with your meal along with a glass of water to make sure that you don't experience much of an after taste.
Ask for different Sauterne wines
If you are not sure which wine you may enjoy, you can order glasses of different brands of sauterne. Sauterne wine tends to have a sweet taste and features fruity notes. Not only is this enjoyable for fruit juice drinkers, but cooks enjoy working with this wine as well. Since different brands of sauterne can have different tastes, you should order small glasses of each sauterne on the menu after speaking to your waiter. To other diners, it will appear that you are attempting to taste your favorite wine type. This will actually allow you to identify a wine that is sweet enough to enjoy with your meal.
Experience port wine and dessert
Port wine is known as a sweet wine that is almost always paired with dessert. If you are going to an upscale wine bar, you can order port wine along with a sweet treat from the dessert menu. This way you will appear sophisticated, as you will know which wine is supposed to be paired with port. If you are going to an upscale dinner out, order a chocolate dessert or a dessert a la mode with port wine. This will make it easier to have an enjoyable drink along with a socially acceptable pairing.,