The Benefits Of Opting For Whole Bean Coffee

When it comes to coffee, there are multiple options out there from light to medium to dark roasts. But if you purchase your coffee after it's already been ground up, you might be missing out on the full coffee experience. Seeking out Colombian whole bean coffee or any other type of whole bean that you can grind yourself does have its benefits. Here's why you might want to start purchasing whole beans to create your own coffee.

Whole Puts You in Control

Are you tired of using the one-cup coffee maker? Are you also tired of traditional drip coffee crafted with the same coffee grounds you've drunk a million times before? When you decide to go with whole coffee beans to create your morning cup, you give yourself additional options. You can choose the tools or equipment you want to use to create your ground coffee. Maybe your coffee will eventually end up in a French press this time around for a better-tasting cup. When you go with whole coffee beans, you simply have more control over the experience from start to finish and more control over what the final cup is going to taste like.

Achieve Maximum Freshness

Coffee grounds might have an expiration date on the package but the package may also contain something artificial in order to make the grounds last longer. When you opt for coffee that has been turned into grounds by someone else, you simply aren't getting the freshest possible cup. When you grind your own beans and then immediately make your own coffee, you will be drinking a cup of coffee that is as fresh as can be. If you can notice the little nuances in different types of coffee, chances are you will also notice the difference when it comes to drinking a truly fresh cup.

It's More Work But More Fun

Most people just want a quick cup of Joe before they head off to work in the morning, but maybe you are not like most people. If you enjoy the process of making coffee, you may enjoy taking whole beans and creating your own coffee from scratch. Yes, grinding your own beans takes additional work, but maybe you will enjoy that work. That first sip of a cup of coffee that you know you created yourself with some additional work may just taste a little bit better to you because of the effort you put into it. 

For more info, contact a local company like SF Bay Coffee.
